Alienware Presents: Going Indie


Alienware, maker of high-end gaming PCs, is making a bold and decisive push into the living room with it’s newly announced Steam Machine. Vermont Digital Arts, along with many other indie studios, is very excited that Alienware is stepping up to deliver a new console experience for  Steam. In the following short film by Alienware, Elliott Mitchell, co-founder of Vermont Digital Arts and Indie Game Collective member, gives a few reasons why Alienware’s new Steam Machine will rock for indies. Also look for some previously unseen live gameplay footage of our Samsqanch mascot trudging through Vermont’s frozen tundra in a new VR game we are working on!

Top 25 Game Developer Related Meetups In The Boston Area – March 2014 Edition

Beers For Indies

Beers For Indies!

We are often asked “What game developer meetups do you regularly attend?”. Unfortunately for us in Southern Vermont, most of the “local” meetups are in the Boston, MA area with the exception of a couple non-game specific events in Western MA. Fortunately for Vermont Digital Arts, we also work in Cambridge, MA at the Indie Game Collective and thus attend a lot of game development events out there.

Our personal top 5  Boston area game developer meetups are (in alphabetical order):

Boston Post Mortem
Boston Indies
Boston Unity Group
New England Game Circle
Mass DiGI

Our general top 25 Boston area game developer meetups are (in alphabetical order):

AAUGA Boston
Boston Art and Code
Boston Blender Users Group
Boston Games Forum
Boston HTML 5 Game Development
Boston Indies
Boston Post Mortem
Boston Unity Group
Boston Virtual Reality
Boston Windows App and Game Developers
Cambridge Hack Space
Drinks on Tap
Game Makers Guild
Game Over Boston
HTML 5 Boston
Mass DiGI
Mass Innovation Nights
Mass TLC
MassMobile – Mobile Developer’s Meetup
Mobile Monday
New England Game Circle
StoryCode Boston
Women in Games Boston

Please let us know if you have any favorite game developer meetups in the Boston area that we may have missed. I’d be great to have a giant comprehensive list to share online perhaps as a wiki.

We hope there will be more going on in the Vermont / Western MA area to populate a list half this long in a few years! VERMONT / Western MA -> Let’s make it happen!

Steam Developers Unite

Steam Dev Days

Valve’s first Steam Developer’s Conference, Steam Dev Days, is set to kick off January 15 in Seattle, WA. Vermont Digital Arts is very excited to be attending this historic game developer event! We just happen to be developing a few games for Steam and Steam + Oculus Rift  and Unity for the win. What is particularly amazing is Valve’s decision to launch SteamVR Beta one day ahead of Steam Dev Days! This is going to be good!

Hope to see you at Steam Dev Days! Tweet to Elliott Mitchell, our Co-Founder, on Twitter @mrt3d if you’d like to connect at the conference.

Unite 2013 Video: Successfully Avoiding Common Pathways to Heartbreak and Disaster in Your Art Pipeline

Do you make 3D art, animation and or use Unity to make multiplatform Games?  Anyone can download or make 3D art assets and anyone can make games in Unity. It is another story when it comes to creating an art pipeline that accounts for efficiency, flexibility, multiple resolutions for multiplatform optimizations. Art optimization begin in the tools one chooses to uses for content creation. Optimization is also dependent on the way tools are utilized and how they export assets for Unity. Finally, art optimization happen within the Unity editor, which varies for individual targeted platforms, with best art practices and smart coding.

Elliott Mitchell, co-founder of Vermont Digital Arts and the Boston Unity User Group, gave a Unite 2013 (Unity Developer’s Conference) talk on this topic last August in Vancouver, BC. Check out the video of his talk and check back here to see a series of blog posts on topics covered as well as the plethora of areas he didn’t have to touch upon in his talk at Unite.

[youtube url=”” width=”640″ height=”355″ autohide=”0″ fs=”1″ rel=”0″]

Special thanks goes to Anzovin Studio for providing The Setup Machine for Games to Elliott and Vermont Digital Arts. In addition, Anzovin provided their expertise by rigging the Elliott’s 3D Samsquanch character as well as animating an Idle and Walk cycle for this demo!

Remember, there is no optimized game without good coding even if your art is exceptional. Make friends with talented engineers or learn to code yourself! It takes both sides of the brain to make great games!

Video Games At The 2013 Vermont Arts Summit


Front view of the Vermont State House (taken Sept. 23, 2004) – © 2004 Matthew Trump

Vermont Digital Arts is honored to have been invited to represent in the 2013 Vermont Arts Summit at the Vermont State House!

When: Saturday, October 26, 2013
Where: Vermont State House
Montpelier, VT

Elliott Mitchell, Vermont Digital Arts co-founder, will be speaking on the panel The Art of Great Digital Games:

Background art, character development, textures – each of these and many more forms of artistic output are essential to many of today’s most popular games. Narrative, music composition and sound design can drive some of the best in-game experiences. So why don’t video and mobile games have more credibility when it comes to art and arts-based learning? Hear from three developers of mobile games about the serious opportunities for creating and experiencing great art through personal devices. Through discussion we’ll explore ways classic studio skills can be augmented and deployed using mobile, hand-held, and PC computers. Moderated by Lars Hasselblad Torres.

Marguerite Dibble of Birnam Wood Games , Josh Buck of Champlain College , Daniel Moore of Toonuva Games and Lars Hasselblad Torres of The Vermont Office of the Creative Economy will be  joining with Elliott on stage to speak about video games in the arts.

If you are interested in making games in the State of Vermont then Register here!