*Re-posted from what Elliott Mitchell wrote on the Indie Game Collective blog on August 24, 2014.

Elliott Mitchell speaking about Shader Forge at Unite 2014

Elliott Mitchell speaking about Shader Forge at Unite 2014

As is too often the case, non-technical people think that they can’t create games in the Unity game development engine because they lack coding expertise. Elliott Mitchell, co-founder of Vermont Digital Arts and the Boston Unity User Group, debunked this myth in his Unite 2014 talk: Empowering Artists, Designers and Non-Technical Types to Make Games in Unity.

Elliott Mitchell speaking about playMaker at Unite 2014

Elliott Mitchell speaking about playMaker at Unite 2014

During his talk Elliott discussed:

  • Games such as The Counting Kingdom by Little Worlds Interactive that were developed without much coding
  • Specific coding concepts and aspects of the Core Unity editor that are necessary to know before making a game in Unity
  • Tools, scripts and other helpful assets on Unity’s Asset Store which help ease the pain of not knowing how to code well
  • Community resources for people developing in Unity

Watch the video of Elliott Mitchell’s Unite 2014 talk: Empowering Artists, Designers and Non-Technical Types to Make Games in Unity, here, if the embedded video above does not work.